
Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Amazing Planet Of Asadon!

The first action project for my humanities class, stories consisted of writing our own creation myth.This story had to come from our own imagination, and have similes, metaphors, adverbs, adjectives, and sensory imagery. This action project was harder than I expected because, we had to put key details into the things we described and made sure it fit the criteria. Down below is my wonderful creation story on the planet Asadon!
AMK(2014) Planet

40,912,1026 miles straight up through the sky, a god and goddess named Diamond and Coal lived. Both were both beautiful, Diamond had a face like Beyonce, and long thick honey blonde hair hair that could never become messy. She was walking perfection. Coal on the other hand was strong, but gentle like a giant. They both were wealthy but decided to save their money. No one knows how they became so rich, its almost as if the money just came out of the Blue. They made their home in a particular cloud named Clouden. It was small, but offered enough room for the both of them to live together. One day, Diamond had the idea of building a new world where creatures would roam more freely and happily. Her husband, who liked things the way they were, disagreed and did not want to build a new world. Furious with his stubbornness, Diamond stormed out and left her husband and never returned. Coal got so angry that his wife left that he vowed that he would do everything in his power to make her new world terrible.

Diamond spent months thinking about the world she would build without her ex-husband, and finally awoke one day eagerly ready to create this world. She had thought of shapes her planet could take, and decided on a triangle because it was her favorite shape. She also knew that she wanted to build her planet atop a cloud like her own home,so even when her time was over, she'd have a memory with the cloud planet. Diamond got to work .She created a massive triangular world that sat atop the cloud. She painted the entire world black, then, with a soft stroke, added a bright rainbow across it. Diamond then decided to enter the new world she’d made. It was dark as night in the triangle so she decided to add more color with splashes of blue, pink, yellow, and orange bringing bursts of brightness to the place.

At the very top of the triangle, she created an abundant supply of fresh healthy (and junk) food. With one zap of her pointed index finger she created this supply of food that would never run out, and always stay fresh. It grows from Diamonds powers. Therefore no one would ever go hungry. She also decided on having protectors of the food to prevent robbers from leaving with too much.

With one zap of her index finger, two alluring creatures were created, similar to humans These creatures were majestic, because they were new and innocent. They greeted Diamond, who did the same. She told them their duties, to protect the food, and the newly made creatures agreed, staying completely still like guards in the U.K. as Diamond gave her orders. The creatures had heads like humans, eyes like squirrels, faces furry like gentle foxes, and human-like bodies. These creatures were happily roaming this new planet that the goddess had named Asadon. not really knowing why, Diamond thought it would be a great name for her planet. The creatures had specific roles and schedules--some would work in the technology building finding new ways to make technology better, some would work in a hospital, and some would work in sales.

Asadon was powered by cloud juice. From filling chair cars with cloud juice, to charging phones, the whole planet relied on cloud juice. They received the cloud juice from the cloud their planet was sitting on. The people of Asadon never ran out of cloud juice because it rained once a year and that rain water was stored in that particular cloud. Since the cloud is below them it rained upsdown. Asadon also had an endless supply of water, so no one would go thirsty. There was a big a waterfall with the purest supply of all that came from all the tears Diamond had shed when she fought with and left Cruel behind to make her world. This waterfall was near the gates of food.

After spending time at the top of Asadon with her new creatures, Diamond decided to go to the very bottom of the triangle where all the bad creatures that entered Asadon without her knowing, would reside. She drew a thick black horizontal line at the bottom of the triangle that would separate the good from the bad This was the place where any bad or unwanted creatures would go.

Meanwhile, from his own cloud, Cruel heard Diamond building her new world and was as red and angry as a volcano. He decided to visit the world when Diamond was asleep, and unleash terrible things as punishment. When Cruel got to Asadon, he saw how beautiful the planet was, but didn't care. He unleashed a crazy species that had just one leg and green skin, with crazy bulging eyes. He also let loose a giant, angry wasp that caused the whole world to shut down temporarily. Diamond’s creatures reported these punishments to her, but there was nothing she could do for her ex husband's powers were too strong. She was able, however, to control the giant wasp to attack only once a month, so the creatures of Asadon just had to beware of that day and stay inside their homes. Ever since cruel unleashed these terrible punishment there has been a black line going through the other side of the rainbow.

Down in Asadon the creatures roamed freely, they worked all day and had fun at night. The little creatures lived alone their houses still connected to their parents just so they can be prepared for the real world. The teenage creatures were nice and never disrespectful, they obeyed the older creatures. They also had very nice fashion taste often shopping at places like, M&H, Forever 23, and Urban In Fitters. These creatures were so stylish because diamond always had the best clothes, so she only wanted best for her younger creatures.

In this beautiful world of Asadon, no one would harm one another, but if they did, those causing strife would get locked in the nasty depressing pits of beneath the black border at the bottom of the triangle. Her planet would always be with her even if she became cloud dust, this was truly a place to call her own!

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