
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Dreams And Dream Catchers

For this Action Project my class mates and I had to create a dream catcher to symbolize our good and bad dreams, using color and materials. The most rewarding part of this action project was completing the dream catcher it was awesome seeing my final outcome. The hardest part of this action project was trying to understand and incorporate the colors and the materials into the dream catcher, often times the fathers would fall off or my beads would loosen from the string.

We also had to have our dream analyzed by someone we trusted and were comfortable with. I chose to tell my brother my dream because he's close to me and I felt as if he would not judge me based on how wacky my dreams are. Below is my dream and his interpretation of it. Overall This action project was a success! If you look further below I also have explanations on my dream catcher.

Living The Dream:

One day I was walking down Time Square in New York ( I don’t know how I got to New York though). I entered a busy mall, when a lady came up to me and ‘would you like to work with me at a professional fashion and modeling company’? For some reason I said yes. The next day I go to the fashion agency with her and I see models, designs for new clothing, and busy grown adults running everywhere! She showed me my little office and told me I can sketch, and pitch any ideas I want, for some reason no one was concerned with my age. I began sketching my ideas and showing them to whom they called ‘the boss lady’, she loved the ideas and before I knew my designs came to life and models were modeling my clothing. I was so happy with becoming successful the past couple of days, I decided to throw a party. Once the party started I recall hearing Drake blaring through the speakers, everyone was out of control but I didn't really care. Next thing I know I hear a loud crash, followed by someone screaming my name, I then woke up to my dad telling me ‘its time for school’.

My brother interpreted my dream by saying it must have been doing something I wanted to do but didn't think about as often. I then started to wonder about that statement because, I have always had a passion for fashion, but I have never thought about it as a real job to do wen I become older. Sharing my dream with my brother was casual for me because if one of us were to have a crazy dream we would often share it with one another, so I was already used to this. It felt nice to hear another perspective on what my dream meant because usually I would try to analyze what my dream meant for myself. Maybe if I would have came to my brother sooner this dream would have already been clear to me. Having this particular dream analyzed also makes me wonder if my unconscious is trying to get a message across.

This is the middle of my dream catcher. The middle resembles a spiderweb so that all bad dreams can get caught. The reason why I chose the beads are close together is because I've been having bad dreams in pairs of four so I decided to put them close together, I believe if I hang my dream catcher up above my bed then I would not have bad dreams.I also had to put something in the middle to represent good dreams, or what I would enjoy dreaming about (my bliss). I decided on a heart because a heart can mean multiple things, the heart for me meant love, eating ( I love eating!), family, and friends.

The bottom of my dream catcher are also happy things that I would enjoy dreaming about, or want to have good dreams about. I chose green feathers because, green symbolizes restfulness I believe everyone needs they're rest while they are asleep because that's the time when you escape from you're problems in the real world. You wouldn't want to have a nightmare that would just make you stressed out in the real world. I also think you should not resist restfulness because humans need they're rest, you are not a machine! I also chose a big blue feather because it symbolizes calmness, you also need calmness once in a while (also when you are sleeping). I personally believe calmness and restfulness is key to a healthy happy life. That is why I chose these two colors!

Pollution Action Plan

For this Action Project we studied pollution, Pollution can be emissions released into the atmosphere such as, volcano eruptions, burning of fossil fuels, breathing, and livestock that we consume. Using  Foot Print calculator  I calculated the amount of carbon emissions I used on this website and it showed me how many planets it would take if everyone on Earth were to live like me, I got 4.8 planets which is a lot! We then had to pick scenarios that would lower these numbers. The most accomplishing thing from this project was being able to write a well rounded essay. It was also inserting learning about what I produce, and how much of it. Also how I could reduce it. The website also let us explore scenarios on how we could reduce our carbon emissions, this could  also help our planet, and our health in a small but big way. The hardest part of this project was incorporating the numbers into my project because, I had to determine how much carbon I was releasing, luckily I had a greenhouse gas calculator to help determine the equivalences my Co2 emissions equaled to. Although I had some difficulties I still managed to make a great project. Down below is my essay on how I personally can reduce my own pollution's!

Pollution is contamination of land, air, or water.Pollution is caused by the discharge of harmful or toxic substances which can cause harm to animals, and humans. Pollution can be caused by releasing fossil fuels, breathing, volcano eruptions,and gas being given off from livestock. The majority of pollution is man-made,  therefore we need to find a way to stop it, in order to live longer and healthier!

One of the biggest fossil fuels being burned is carbon dioxide (CO2) .It is one pollutant causing our Earth to become warmer.CO2  is the main source of where our pollution is coming from.My own calculations will show the impact. I used the Footprint calculator to determine how many planets it would take to support everyone, if everyone lived like I do. I release about 22.6  tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Almost half of my Carbon emission are  due to services, while the other half is due to; food, shelter, goods and mobility. My lifestyle is being supported by 21.2 acres of the Earth's’ productive areas, such as, energy land, cropland, grazing land, forest land, built up land, and fishing grounds.  

These are big numbers, therefore I will put it them in perspective. Annually my lifestyle produces the same amount of greenhouse gas emissions as 4.7 passenger cars. My carbon dioxide emissions are equivalent to the CO2 produced by 2,534 gallons of gasoline. This is a lot of gas being consumed for one person, considering my mom only fills her gas tank up every two weeks.

In order to reduce my use of carbon, I pledge to:

- Take a local vacation instead of flying this year: The combustion of fossil fuels creates CO2, which plays a large role in global warming. By not taking a plane I can reduce the number of planets required from If I chose to take a local vacation this year I would save 0.5 tons of carbon from being burned (22.6-22.1). By taking this action, it reduces the number of planets by 0.1 (4.8 to 4.7).  

- Reduce the amount of animal products I consume, by half: I enjoy eating chicken, dairy products, and beef. The livestock releases too many greenhouse gasses, such as methane into the atmosphere. If I cut down on these products, I would lessen my carbon emissions. If I cut down on the amount of lean meat I eat, this will reduce the the amount by 0.4 tons. Taking this action, would also reduce the number of planets from 4.8 to 4.6!

-Use more public transportation: Even though I already use public transportation, if I pledged to use public transportation more often then, I would reduce 0.2  tons of carbon (22.4 instead of 22.6) This would also reduce the number of planets I used by 0.1 (4.8 to 4.7)

Although taking these actions won't necessarily eliminate all the carbon emissions, it still helps the environment in a small way. Another way I could help reduce carbon emissions is investing in an emission offset project that will capture and store greenhouse gasses, this will prevent them from releasing into the atmosphere.One way I could help is by planting trees , trees help capture carbon during photosynthesis. This can convert Co2 into sugar and oxygen. I would have to plant 579 trees these trees would be growing for ten years! Scientists have found that 1 tree can remove 0.039 metric tons of carbon from the atmosphere. Below I have made a formula of what it takes for 579 trees to capture 22.6 tons of carbon.

22.6 tons (1 tree/0.039 metric tons)= 579.48 trees.

Even without investing in the emissions reduction project I can still manage to reduce my carbon emissions from 22.6 tons to, 21.5 tons! (footprint calculator). That is 1.1 tons less carbon in the atmosphere! If everyone were to live like me we would only need 4.4plantes (0.4 less). this is more than half I needed previously. Along with the emission reduction project I am sure that with planting 579 trees it will be sure to reduce the number of carbon in the atmosphere!  

This is an image of one of my action plans I chose to take!

"Footprint Calculator." Footprint Calculator. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2014
"Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Great Guiding Question!

For this action project my classmates and I had to come up with a good guiding question after watching a movie where a mans life was questioned because he had been living a lie since birth our teacher made us think of good guiding questions. The question that stood out to me the most was ‘Is the Earth a cave?  This question was brought up in the movie because there was no way of this man leaving his world of lies. This question is also similar to Plato's way of seeing the world (which I explain in my essay) This question is a great question in my opinion because it really makes you think and its also up for debate, people don't’ really know, can there be life on other planets? For this project we had to find research that proves this topic has been discussed, this was the hardest part for me because I really couldn't find major information on my topic. But this project came out a success! Down below is my essay on my guiding question.

My guiding question is, ‘Is the Earth a cave’? I was compelled by this interesting topic therefore I chose to talk about it. This is my guiding question because, after watching The Truman show. The Truman Show tells the story of a man,Truman, whose life has been a set up since birth. Growing up he finally realized that his whole world is a lie.Truman couldn't leave this world of lies which made him question his existence. Truman started to question his existence when he heard everything he was doing being broadcast-ed on the radio, also when his wife and best friend wouldn't talk directly to Truman but seemed as if they were advertising things they had, such as beer, or hot cocoa. This is when Truman started to question is this real life? This question also refers back to Plato's view on the world, Plato believed that this world we live in and think is real is actually just shadows and illusions. Plato explains that if we try to leave this world in seek of finding something else then we will be blinded by the light we will react violently because we aren't accustomed to it. This is similar for Truman because he was the one trying to leave his cave, but many people didn't want him to because they wouldn't know how he would react.

Some people may believe this question is indubitable, thinking there can only be life on Earth. But I wonder can there be life on other planets, or even somewhere else, this world just may be what’s given to us, therefore we need to find out for ourselves if there is another ‘Earth’. In many articles I have read it states that God created us on this Earth therefore there shouldn't be any existence but I would want to know for myself if this is actually true.

I believe this is a good guiding question because it makes you wonder what this world actually is, This question is also a good guiding question because it goes with Wilhelm's requirements for good guiding questions, its open ended, and it may encourage people to engage in a quality discussion. It also requires thinking and knowledge, whether it be scientific, or religious  it . There can be different opinions to this question.creation research Danny Faulkner wrote an essay on possible existence about life on different planets such as Mars. Mr Faulkner talks about many theories, one having to do with god, and others having to do with science.  Faulkner states that evolutionists believe there is life on other planets exists. While creationists believe life on other planets is not possible unless god created life elsewhere or permitted life to travel somehow from that planet to earth. This essay manifestly shows both sides to this universal debate.
Therefor this question is very interesting to pursue because, it makes you want to find out for yourself is life somewhere else possible?  I will pursue this question by contacting different people that believe there is more life than just on Earth, astrophysicists at NASA, research philosophers that looked into astronomy such as Thales,  and people that do believe Earth is a cave religious experts, also random people’s opinions. The risks I will have to take is going out into the real world to seek multiple answers to this question, possibly getting rejection from people and or places I go trying to find this answer. Although these risks will be worth it in the long run because then I can find the answers I was in search of.

In conclusion my guiding question is ‘Is the Earth a cave’? This question is an important question because it makes you wonder, it is also open ended therefore it requires intellectual knowledge in order for it to be answered. I am in search of the answer to this question because I want to know is it really just a cave? And if it isn’t can we escape? Also how can we escape? That is why I am trying to find multiple opinions (answers) to this guiding question.  

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Choose Solar Panels!

For this fuel action project we had to pair in groups of two, and create a video on why a renewable energy , me and my partner chose solar panels. Solar panels are an interesting way of using electricity because it saves money and it comes from a source that's Eco-friendly. The most challenging part of this action project was contacting someone to interview, I had someone to contact but, scheduling the time was an issue. The most accomplishing part of this action was actually finishing it because I though I wouldn't be able to because the work was a little overwhelming . Down below is my video on why someone should switch to solar energy enjoy!