
Monday, October 21, 2013

Global Warming, in Dallas, TX

My slideshow is about, Global warming and how it is affecting the climate in regions of the country. The city I chose was Dallas ,TX. I chose this state because  I originally knew that they had high temperatures, therefor I wanted to know the effects of the CO2 emission by the year 2100. This is why I investegated this topic on Global Warming.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Waste Less Water, Save More Lives

For this unit I investigated an issue that applies to MGD -7 ensuring environmental sustainability. The issue I chose specifically was water and sanitation, I choose this issue because I knew that Sanitation and water access is an issue for most countries around the world. The biggest challenge I had for this action project was, deciding what visual to resemble my poem. The most proud piece for my action project was my poem itself, it went in depth- on what the issue was and how it can be prevented.     

AK, GCE (2013)

My picture represents people in the USA wasting water, while people in Asia and Africa are struggling to find drinkable water. Often, water there is filled with death-causing viruses. We, as citizens of America, should find a way to help these struggling people access water. Please read my poem to find out how you can help.     

Waste Less Water, Save More Lives

The cool refreshing taste - we all need it to survive.
But why do most countries lack this resource, this essential need for life?
Why is this need, that most of us take for granted, not available for others around the world?

It may be hard for you, but women and children in Africa often walk up to four miles to find water; most of the time, the water they find is not clean enough to drink.
This walk is dangerous - the temperatures in Africa are too high for women and kids to endure. 
You might not think about how easy you have it.

While you throw your clean, pure, and safe drinking water away, think about the 97 million people dying in India due to contaminated water. 
Imagine little kids craving fresh water as you, ‘satisfied,’ throw your bottle away.
An educator named Dr. Knust stated that some countries' dams and rivers get contaminated by parasites.
It is easy for you to buy clean bottled water at a grocery store while kids in Nigeria are dying due to lead poisoning in their water.
Now think about how easy you have it.

"How can you stop this problem?" you may ask yourself. Charity Water is a
organization where you can donate up to $12 to countries in need,  
One dollar can save a life.
Think about how easily you can help.

Why Water. charitywater . Web. October. 16. 2013. This website tells me how many people are suffering from this contaminated drinking water.

Knust.Barbara. personal interview. 16. Oct. 2013. Dr. Kunst talked to me and my classmates about the work she does with the CDC. She studies different infectious diseases around the world.

Walk For Water . Web. October. 17. 2013. This site explains how people in other countries get access to their water.

UNICEF. UNICEF. Web. October, 21. 2013. This site gives me information on how many people are dying in India due to poor water access, and water sanitation.



Monday, October 14, 2013

Greenhouse in Garfield!

The purpose of this FE was to see how water can be used in different ways. The purpose was also to it is also to learn about the water cycle how it relates to greenhouses, and how it helps out different organisms The purpose of greenhouse is to essentially helps the plants maintain their natural habitat. My classmates and I went to a Greenhouse in Garfield park this greenhouse, is one of the biggest Greenhouses in the nation.It covers 4.5 acres of land, and is mostly made of glass. This greenhouse conserves plants from different areas in the world; Rain forest  desserts etc. Also plants that are going to near to near extinction this is the basic purpose for greenhouses. The reason why this greenhouse has over 100 plants is because, they used to have three main greenhouses in; Douglas park, Humboldt Park, and Garfield Park. The government tore the two conservatories down in both Humboldt and Douglas, and combined both greenhouses into Garfield park to make space. This Greenhouse was built in 1908, founded by Jen Jensen

The type of radiation going into the Greenhouse is short wave radiation this helps the plants mostly during the winter time when the weather gets colder.New sentence. Also, once the short wave radiation enter the greenhouse, it is difficult for them to get out. Thus, the house traps heat and the plants stay warm. Garfield Park Conservatory staff member, Ms.Calvillo, mentioned that the greenhouse keeps the plants warm. However, when really cold temperatures hit, the park uses heaters to keep the temperatures high Greenhouse gasses is when the gases leave the atmosphere and gives of to the earth. The energy also has to be equivalent to the amount of energy giving of, with a surface of -18*C. In order for it to leave the Earths atmosphere ,it has to be warmer than. -18*C                   

Greenhouses work by helping plants in harsh weather conditions they also produce pest free plants/ crops so that people can eat the things they grow, such as tomatoes, papaya,and bananas, Greenhouses also make it easier and more reliable to grow delicate plants, and have a better understanding on how plants work, grow etc.

In conclusion this My greenhouse field experience showed me how greenhouses function during difficult weather.Many plants can go in a greenhouse such as, cactuses,flowers, and even palm trees.A greenhouse also helps plants that are near extinction and delicate plants that cannot cope in harsh weathers. This particular Greenhouse was a great experience to learn about how they actually function, it was alot easier talking to an expert about how greenhouses effect plants etc.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Water Filtration Project

For this action project I had to create a water filtration system similar to a groundwater filtration system. I learned that creating a filter is difficult but this is a similar way of how we get our everyday drinking water. I am proud of how great my water came out after the whole process of filtering it. The picture shows the water filters layers and what materials need to go inside in order for the water to get filtered.

AK (2013)

For this project, we had to build water filters to clean dirty water. The water source I used was rain water mixed with mud. The materials I used were cotton balls,grass., sand, and soil .The process I did for this project was , I  cut a empty 1 liter bottle in toward the rim at the bottom for the objects to go inside, then  I added five cotton balls so it would secure the dirt debris from entering the potential clean water. Next I added two handfuls of grass, then another two handfuls of sand and two handfuls of soil. And finally, a layer of grass and then two handfuls of cotton balls..  (Please see my photo for reference.)   Next I Pour a cup of dirty water over the top of the filter layers.  Using gravity, filter the water through the open cap end.  Finally, test the water using a piece of pH paper.  In this case, I measured pH to be 3. This means that the water is acidic because it is below 7.

It took about 5 minutes for the unfiltered water to pour through the bottle. After the majority of the water went into the empty bottle it was clear and had no debris floating around.  When I added carbon to my filtered water, my water came out even clearer! After completing those steps, I then put my water on the stove to boil. After boiling and cooling the water, I then tested the pH level of my water again, which came out as a 7.1.  A pH of around 7 means that the water is neutral. I then found the range of my pH by subtracting the lower pH from the higher pH, giving me a difference of 4.  The difference means that my pH became 10^4 times (100,000) more basic.  It also means that my pH increased in alkalinity or hydroxyl ions.  Although I did not drink the water, my brother did and said it tasted “normal”

In conclusion, my water filter came out to be a success! I never would have thought that a filter involving grass,sand, soil, and cotton would turn out to purify non-drinkable water. This action project wanted us to test our ability to build a water purifier that is similar to groundwater filters.It is similar to groundwater filters because the actual project we did to creat this filter is similar to how ground water is filltered. It is also different because groundwater is a cleaner/easier process than actually building a filter I enjoyed this experiment, because it challenged me to think about pH in a different way.

Action2 AK letter

230 S Dearborn St.

Suite 3892

Chicago, IL 60604

(312) 353-4952 - phone

(312) 353-0150 - fax

In this letter, I will be addressing women and men in the education field, also how men get paid higher wages than women. Additionally will compare the United stated to the United Kingdom. I will compare both countries because, I would like to see how the United Kingdom provides their teachers with a decent amount of money. I am also comparing these two countries because I want to see the difference between how much the U.K pays their teachers and how much the U.S pays the teachers with starting salaries for middle school.

To the Noble Dick Durbin,

My initials are AK, I am 14 years of age, and I attend Global Citizenship high school, I am writing this letter to you today because my class is working on a unit discussing gender equality. For this assignment I chose gender inequality in the education field. This target indicates target Indicator 3.2: Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector.I wanted to find out why males get paid higher wages than women. We also compared the United states to the country of our choice. I chose The United Kingdom preferably because I knew that they receive quality education. What I am trying plead to you is that the U.S needs to start paying both genders equally for the same job they preform. Men and women are two different kinds yet they both can perform the same tasks.

Furthermore I had to research the amount of females and males, that are in the education field, also I researched the amount males and females being a middle school teacher. According to, Media Weekly, male teachers in the U.S. make $1,128 a week, while women make, $921 per week. This is a $207 dollar difference, I would like to know why women can't make $200 dollars more as men do?

I think this is mostly due to favoritism. This refers back to the time when men only had the right to do things such as; vote,join the army,and have access education. I underline education because women did not get the right to go to school, yet they are successful teachers today! I believe that female teachers in the US deserve more pay because females tend to need much more money than males. Females have to support themselves and potentially kids they may have.

According to pay-scale ( it states that starting teachers in the U.S make about $30,103 a year. While in the U.K a beginning kindergarten teachers makes about ,£21,804 pounds, ($35,327) a year. As for the U.S this source confirms my hypothesis stating the U.K had quality education. I consider the US as a great country full of significant opportunities but, we need to know where to put our money; education, health etc.

realistically there are more women working in middle schools than men. That is why I do not understand why males get paid higher wages.

The United Kingdom is achieving the MDG for equality by passing an equality act in 2010 stating; It “legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society.It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations. It sets out the different ways in which it’s unlawful to treat someone”. ( . This equality act shows that it is illegal to discriminate any gender/kind in the workplace favoritism or not . This may be a reason teachers get paid a higher salary in the United Kingdom, because they do not favor any variety, it is mostly based of of what you are experienced with.

The picture below shows a graph of The United states salaries and the United Kingdoms salary. It states that the United Kingdom makes more money starting out for a middle school teacher, than here in the U.S. This comes to show that the U.K. gets paid higher no matter what gender the teachers are. Unlike the United States.

In conclusion, I think women and men should get the equivalent amount of money for the same job they perform, some people believe that it is favoritism between men and women (including me) but I think its just has to be equal. If men and women have the opportunity to benefit from the same amount they earn it would not be a problem. Thank you for reading my letter, if you have any questions do not hesitate to call.

contact info:1535 N Dayton St Chicago, IL 60642 • Phone main line: 312.643.0991 Phone line 2: 312.643.0979 • Fax: 312.643.0975

Thank you for reading my letter sincerely, AK.
AK, GCE 2013



Media Weekly. Oct.1.13. This website tells us the average amount teachers make per week

laries for teachers. middle school teacher salry. Web. Oct. 2. 2013. This website tells us how much new U.S teachers make per year. Department of education. Web. Oct. 2. 2013. This site tells me how much beginning teachers make in the United Kingdom. It also tells me how much they make as they become more advanced in their field.  Goverment of the U.K. Web. Oct.8.2013.This website gives me information on how the U.K. has enforced a law which it is illegal to discriminate in the workforce.