
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Genetically Modified Food, Good or Bad?

For the last action project for Food, we studied genetics, and genetically modified food. This unit mostly focused on science. My classmates and I spent countless hours researching and learning about genetics. We also had a guest speaker, Oana, who works with genetics come in and talk to us in depth about how genetics and crossbreeding works. We also learned about genetically modified foods. These foods are foods that have changes in their DNA using genetic engineering technique. For our action project, my classmates and I had to pick a side: pro GMOs or anti GMOs. This means that we had to discuss why genetically  modified foods are or are not a good idea. I am anti GMO, because I feel that GMOs are not the truth. The people producing these crops don’t tell us whether our products contain GMOs . I think that these foods will end up causing us harm. That is why we need to put a stop to it as soon as possible. I am most proud of the interesting information, and facts I found. Lastly I am proud of my overall presentation below!

How would you feel if you knew that scientists are putting harsh chemicals and dangerous injections into the food that you and your loved ones consume? How would you feel if you or your loved ones get severely sick because of this? Well, this is what genetically modified food is doing to us humans. These foods are foods that have changes in their DNA using genetic engineering technique. You probably haven't heard of genetically modified foods because the U.S Drug and Food Administration does not require a label to be put on foods that are GMOs. There are quite a lot. You should be aware of what scientists are doing to our food because it can cause great devastation to us and our planet. Genetically modified foods can cause soil depletion, allergic reactions to us humans because of the the crossbreeding, and even severe consequences to our body. In this speech I will be talking about genetically modified foods and how they are not beneficial for us humans, and also the effects they are causing us, our environment, and world in general.

There are many reasons why genetically modified foods are very bad. Some often affect the environment. When growing genetically modified foods, farmers practice monoculture which means that they only grow that one crop. This has two effects: one on the environment, and one on us humans. In a monoculture, the soil is used for the same crop which causes soil depletion. This causes plants not to grow. Also by growing the same crop a virus can break out spreading to the same crops, causing the food supply of that crop to drop. Even though GM crops double their crop yields, if something goes wrong then they can lose that crop. A drop in food supply could damage our economy and cause crises such as famine.

In the late 1980s patents on plants were legalized meaning that anyone could own a seed. This often causes small scale farmers to get sued due to bigger corporations such as Monsanto patenting a particular seed and having it cross pollinate with theirs. When their seeds cross pollinate with the seeds from small farms, the smaller farm workers often go out of business because they get sued for what happens in nature. This affects the small scale farmers tremendously because they go out of business. Also GM crops in technology can hurt the small scale farm workers because the crops are too expensive to purchase. GMOs and even patents can cause people to go out of business because of the competitiveness in farming.

Lastly, Humans can get allergic reactions to foods they eat,  or even get severely sick. When these crops are crossbred they form a new substance which can also be bad for humans. Like JV said on the farm in Elgin, her brother broke out in hives from eating lunchables. These are the affects that GM foods have on us humans and if we don't stop now it could only get worse. I am stating that it could only get worse because genetically modified foods do not require a label, and are not tested. We must put an end to this because it is going on without our knowledge and we need to be informed.

Overall GMOs are a great threat to our food supply. A study in India showed that the GM grains that scientist fed to rats showed up three months later damaging their ovaries, spleens, and immune system. Despite all this testing the U.S Food and Drug Administration still allows foods to be labeled without the proper signs. This shows that the people in charge of making sure our food is safe to eat are not fulfilling their job. If we continue to let this happen it could only get worse. I believe that the U.S Food and Drug Aministration needs to stop lying to us humans, and let us know what we are actually consuming. I am totally against GMOs because they are not beneficial for us humans. GMOs are bad for the environment, bad for humans, and are dangerous because they are not correctly labeled. They are also a risk to your health. If you want to live in a healthier, more efficient world without genetically modified foods, then vote anti GMO.


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