
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Great Guiding Question!

For this action project my classmates and I had to come up with a good guiding question after watching a movie where a mans life was questioned because he had been living a lie since birth our teacher made us think of good guiding questions. The question that stood out to me the most was ‘Is the Earth a cave?  This question was brought up in the movie because there was no way of this man leaving his world of lies. This question is also similar to Plato's way of seeing the world (which I explain in my essay) This question is a great question in my opinion because it really makes you think and its also up for debate, people don't’ really know, can there be life on other planets? For this project we had to find research that proves this topic has been discussed, this was the hardest part for me because I really couldn't find major information on my topic. But this project came out a success! Down below is my essay on my guiding question.

My guiding question is, ‘Is the Earth a cave’? I was compelled by this interesting topic therefore I chose to talk about it. This is my guiding question because, after watching The Truman show. The Truman Show tells the story of a man,Truman, whose life has been a set up since birth. Growing up he finally realized that his whole world is a lie.Truman couldn't leave this world of lies which made him question his existence. Truman started to question his existence when he heard everything he was doing being broadcast-ed on the radio, also when his wife and best friend wouldn't talk directly to Truman but seemed as if they were advertising things they had, such as beer, or hot cocoa. This is when Truman started to question is this real life? This question also refers back to Plato's view on the world, Plato believed that this world we live in and think is real is actually just shadows and illusions. Plato explains that if we try to leave this world in seek of finding something else then we will be blinded by the light we will react violently because we aren't accustomed to it. This is similar for Truman because he was the one trying to leave his cave, but many people didn't want him to because they wouldn't know how he would react.

Some people may believe this question is indubitable, thinking there can only be life on Earth. But I wonder can there be life on other planets, or even somewhere else, this world just may be what’s given to us, therefore we need to find out for ourselves if there is another ‘Earth’. In many articles I have read it states that God created us on this Earth therefore there shouldn't be any existence but I would want to know for myself if this is actually true.

I believe this is a good guiding question because it makes you wonder what this world actually is, This question is also a good guiding question because it goes with Wilhelm's requirements for good guiding questions, its open ended, and it may encourage people to engage in a quality discussion. It also requires thinking and knowledge, whether it be scientific, or religious  it . There can be different opinions to this question.creation research Danny Faulkner wrote an essay on possible existence about life on different planets such as Mars. Mr Faulkner talks about many theories, one having to do with god, and others having to do with science.  Faulkner states that evolutionists believe there is life on other planets exists. While creationists believe life on other planets is not possible unless god created life elsewhere or permitted life to travel somehow from that planet to earth. This essay manifestly shows both sides to this universal debate.
Therefor this question is very interesting to pursue because, it makes you want to find out for yourself is life somewhere else possible?  I will pursue this question by contacting different people that believe there is more life than just on Earth, astrophysicists at NASA, research philosophers that looked into astronomy such as Thales,  and people that do believe Earth is a cave religious experts, also random people’s opinions. The risks I will have to take is going out into the real world to seek multiple answers to this question, possibly getting rejection from people and or places I go trying to find this answer. Although these risks will be worth it in the long run because then I can find the answers I was in search of.

In conclusion my guiding question is ‘Is the Earth a cave’? This question is an important question because it makes you wonder, it is also open ended therefore it requires intellectual knowledge in order for it to be answered. I am in search of the answer to this question because I want to know is it really just a cave? And if it isn’t can we escape? Also how can we escape? That is why I am trying to find multiple opinions (answers) to this guiding question.  

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