
Friday, April 25, 2014

Organic Garden

In ‘Food,’ a STEM course, my classmates and I are studying ecology. We are focusing on the importance of plant nutrients, and how the different cycles work together. We also watched a TED talk by Ron Finley. What he’s trying to do is make south Central Los Angeles a more beautiful place with gardens. He encourages everybody to garden. He wants people to grow their own produce because stores in that area lacks fresh vegetables and fruits. If we take action by growing our vegetables and plants in a garden, it will inspire others to do the same.

My house is located in a somewhat busy neighborhood in Chicago. Since that is the case, I have chosen to construct a raised bed. By doing this, my crops will not interfere with the soil. It is also easier to transport the raised bed if we ever need to. The garden I designed will be 20 inches in height, 48 inches in length, and 48 inches in width. The volume will be approximately 46,080 cubic inches. My garden will be big enough to hold 10 different plants that I plan on growing. In order for my plants to grow healthy and survive, I will need 16 different nutrients. The three most important macronutrients (big nutrients that help the plant) are Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Phosphorus (P).

My classmates and I collected dirt and performed a soil sample. A soil sample is a test conducted on the soil to see if the soil has enough nutrients, and if not substitutes such as fish meal, a organic fertilizer can be added to make the soil healthier. Before doing the soil sample, I noticed that my dirt was very moist and seemed ‘alive’ to me, rather than dead. When I did the soil sample my hypothesis was right. My soil turned out to be sufficient in phosphorus (K3), sufficient in potassium, and surplus in Nitrogen(N4). I think my soil was surplus in nitrogen because, where I collected my soil there are small plants living there. This means that the plants are alive and releasing nitrogen into the soil.

Since my garden is sufficient in Potassium (K3), Phosphorus (P3), and surplus in Nitrogen (N4) I will not be adding substitutes into my soil because my soil is ‘alive’ and healthy. I believe my soil is healthy because there is plenty of sunlight hitting the plants in that area. There are currently plenty of plants growing that look healthy. Lastly, there is also a gardener that is one of my neighbors, she often takes care of the plants from time to time.

I will be planting broccoli with rosemary because it improves broccoli flavor, as well as, other crops. Broccoli loves calcium so pairing it with a plant is a good combination. Also rosemary keeps pests from the vegetable. I chose to plant carrots and lettuce together because flax produces an oil that protects the root of a vegetable like carrots from some pests. Beans and maize are good together because beans are good for heavy nitrogen users like corn (maize). Beans are Nitrogen fixers that add nitrogen back into the soil. The plant uses it up it is replaced at the end of the season when plants die. I chose beetroot and garlic because beetroot is good for adding minerals into the soil. It also provides garlic with better growth and flavor. Lastly, I chose basil and tomatoes. Basil repels flies and mosquitoes, and improves growth and flavor for the tomato.

My biggest takeaway from this action project was how important soil is. I never would have thought soil was so important to plants, especially the nitrogen cycle. I knew plants needed soil in order to survive but I did not know how dependent they are on soil. I think this action project was very informative about soil, and I am glad we studied it. I will implement my garden during the summer time when I have more time to care for a garden bed. I think by having this garden it will make my neighborhood a little prettier and hopefully inspire others to construct one too.

This is a sketch of my organic garden. The calculations are below.

"Companion Planting." Companion Planting. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The 'Heart' Broken Potato.

For my humanities class; food for thought my classmates and I focused on the unit; life. During the unit we talked about how and why humans transformed from the method hunting and gathering to  agrarian societies. We also learned more about crops and how, and where they originated from. In addition we focused on a crop of our choice. For this action project my classmates and I had to pick a crop and write an autobiography in the crops' point of view, we also had to take the persona of the crop. The crop I chose was the potato. I chose the potato because, although I don't eat it as a regular potato, I still consume it a lot in different forms (mashed potatoes, potato chips, and fries).  By choosing this crop it made me realize how much I consume this product. I am very thankful for the potato. My classmates and I also had to make a family tree based on food. By creating this tree it showed me that, although my family is 100 percent Nigerian they still enjoy American food, and food from other cultures. Down below is my autobiography on the potato, and my picture of my family tree.  


Hello! Im a potato, I live on a farm in Live Oak, Florida. But my ancestors were originally from Peru in South America. We were domesticated 10,000 years ago. Followed by centuries of breeding there are now, thousands of different potatoes similar to me. I’m not just any ordinary potato. You see, i’m a special potato.I am in the shape of a heart. I am able to detect broken hearts in the potato community. I’ve been dodging mean farmers. There are three of them. Whenever the mean farmers come around I try my best to hide. I know what you're thinking, ‘’how can potatoes move?’’ Well I am the only potato that can and boy am I grateful! Although i'm getting very old, and my time may be soon. One day they might pick me up off the shelf, and take me to be washed, packed, and ready to be shipped, just to be a part of a dish.

I’m a gentle potato, quiet, and very kind to other potatoes. I am able to sense fear, danger, and pain from other potatoes that were taken from the fields too soon. Since I know my time is soon all I ask is to be incorporated into a great dish made by a foreign family, I've always wanted to be near foreign foods. I often smell the greasy American foods that the farmers eat. Weird, right? you'd think he’d eat healthy at least. You also may be thinking how could you, last so long?! I don’t even know, myself. It could be that wisdom thing,or the chosen one, right? Well i’m pretty sure i’m going to be ‘’chosen’’ soon.

One day I was trotting in the potato fields enjoying the sun when I heard two unfamiliar voices talking. I quickly stopped dead in my tracks so they didn’t see me walking. How freaky would that have been? I stood still for five minutes, carefully listening to their conversation. Apparently the farm was being sold to a big company with more workers. The deal was done and they went on their’ way. I was stunned. All these months I've been dodging two or three farmers, and now I would have to dodge who knows how many.

I could not sleep at all that night. I kept tossing and turning I didn’t want to actually meet my fate! Then I heard big footsteps coming towards me. I tried my best to hide, without getting caught, but the heavy footed guy noticed me first and picked me up. He shouted to his partner ‘’Hey look at this weird potato,’’ then threw me into a dark sack filled with other potatoes. I could sense that they were all scared and felt danger. I tried my best to keep them calm but it was no use. They all started panicking.

One potato, ‘’asked old great potato why are we in this dark sack?!’’ First of all, i’m not that old I and I feel great. Secondly, we are in this sack because our time is up, it is time that we go on to get washed, packed up, and shipped out to different places. ..’’Washed w-why do I need to be washed i’m not dirty, and packed up? Where to? Why do I have to be packed?’’ Calm down this is your fate as it is all of ours. You simply have to accept it. All the other potatoes started to weep, but there was nothing I could do.

After hours in the sack I could feel someone opening the back then..ouch! I was dropped on my head onto a conveyor belt, which hurt a lot. Suddenly I was picked up (again) and inspected for rotting. When I did not have a spot of rot, the mean man dropped me hard on my back. I was taken further down the conveyor belt, where I was washed with very hot water. I literally felt as if my skin was coming off! I tried my best not to scream, and I cried when it was over. I didn’t think this process was going to be so difficult. I just hoped that it was done. Then a man wearing gloves grabbed me and tossed me into a mesh sack with weeping potatoes. I tried my best to ignore it, then drifted to sleep.

When I opened my eyes I heard a faint ‘’beep’’. I started to panic I was being bought! I didn’t know whether to feel excited or sad. I was taken on a long ride, listening to a family deciding to go to Nigeria and London for the summer. They also decided on making meat pies for dinner. The mom wen't over the directions to her daughter saying, ''remember the potatoes have to be tender before putting them in the pies.'' I gasped, they're going to make me tender! That instantly reminded me of being washed. I started to cry again , I didn't want to meet my fate!

When the family arrived home I was put on the counter for a couple of hours. Then a girl opened the bag and picked ME out first. She stated ‘’hey mom look at this heart potato.’’ She washed me with warm water (thank goodness). Her mom started to tell her how this dish called 'meat pie' was a party favor in a Nigerian was really interesting learning a little bit about the dish, but then I felt a sharp pain it took a long time. I felt as if I was being chopped up (I was). I then realized she was cutting me right down the middle. My heart was now broken, I had lived a long potato life and I was glad. Now I may finally rest.

This is my family tree I created. Down below are my sibling and I. Then it connects to our parents, then it connects to my parents' brothers and sisters. All followed by they're favorite food

"The Cambridge World History of Food- Potatoes (White)." The Cambridge World History of Food-Potatoes (White). N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2014.

Life. "Where Did Potatoes Come From?" LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 19 Jan. 2013. Web. 18 Apr. 2014
Potato History and Fun Facts." Potato Goodness Potato History and Fun Facts Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014.

"Potato Harvest Season." Oregon Rural Action. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2014.